Abiding Heart Education
Terms and Conditions, Policies, Procedures and Agreement
1. Article 1
Application or Registration” refers to registration for an online registration for an online or in-person course/workshop/retreat/adventure made with Abiding Heart Education™ including course/workshop/retreat/adventure fees.
“AHE” or “Abiding Heart” refers to Abiding Heart Education™
“Participant” refers to any student or learner attending any of AHE courses/retreats/adventures We use the terms participant, learner or student interchangeably.
“Course” “Courses” “programme/s” can refers to Abiding Heart Education courses, workshops, retreats or adventures
“Course content” refers to all content in all programmes, transmitted in-person, by video, audio, livestream, streaming of recorded material, webinar, and materials in both soft and hard copy.
“Activities” refers to Abiding Heart Education programmes activities, be it a course, workshop, retreat or adventure, as described in this document, and on Abiding Heart Education Website
“The Centre” refers to AHE Centre in Castle Douglas
‘Student wellbeing’ or ‘pastoral care’ are used interchangeably
2. Article 2
Abiding Heart Education Courses
The Abiding Heart Education™️ approach is of particular interest to those who seek professional and personal transformation. We offer teacher education diploma courses, personal and professional development courses, workshops for parents, retreats, heritage arts courses, and adventures which can interweave academic lectures that may include philosophy that is rooted in ancient wisdom and contemporary one, ontology, epistemology,heritage arts and crafts, experiential art classes, awareness and mindfulness meditation, contemplative practices (for more information about our meditation and contemplation component please see below) and outdoor nature based activities.
Abiding Heart's courses are for those who cultivate holistic learning and wellbeing in themselves, in children and other adults and to those involved in: their own personal growth and development, educating children; children’s social care, child and adult welfare; children’s health care, psychology and therapy; students and researchers of the mentioned disciplines; parents; homeschool settings, holistic based schools; contemplative based schools; and centres with a children’s programme.
The duration of our courses/workshops/retreats/adventures vary from 1 day to 3 years. You can find information about our programme please on AHE website.
The components of the AHE courses, workshops, retreats and adventires are designed to promote professional growth and within that also include personal development. These components are designed for professional development and personal growth and are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical care. Contemplative education and meditation practices do not diagnose, treat, or cure mental health or medical conditions. Here are some examples of the self-exploration and personal development aspects of our courses (this list is not exhaustive):
Learning contemplative traditions’ philosophes and meditation practices to foster in students inner wisdom, balance, and clarity
Encouraging students to integrate awareness and mindfulness meditation and contemplative practices into their daily lives.
Gaining insights into compassion, mindfulness, non-attachment, and equanimity.
Reflecting on life challenges and learning practical tools to promote resilience and emotional balance in themselves as teachers to be and their future pupils.
Contemplative Movement: Mindful physical practices that combine movement with meditation to enhance balance of body and mind.
Participating in Development Groups providing space for reflection and emotional processing of courses, retreats, workshops and adventures.
Deepening engagement through retreats
Examples of AHE contemplative and meditation practices and their purpose:
Compassion related contemplation: Teaching kindness, awareness and mindfulness meditation to cultivate inner development.
Wisdom Development: Supporting students/participants in exploring the contemplative traditions’ view of interdependence and personal growth.
Practical Tools in support of teachers’ personal development and managing stress: Sharing awareness and mindfulness meditation practices as part of self-enquiry.
Our meditation and contemplative studies include practices such as sound, visualisation, and contemplative movement and hand gestures. These practices are offered for mindfulness, self-awareness and letting our mind rest.
Learning and practicing the following meditation and contemplative practices:
Mindfulness: Developing present-moment awareness.
Breath awareness meditation: Using the breath to anchor focus and reduce stress.
Loving-kindness reflective practices: Cultivating compassion for oneself and others.
Visualisation practices: Using mental imagery to evoke concentration, focus, calm and positivity.
Mantra recitation: Repeating sounds or affirmations to quiet the mind.
Application of Contemplative Education philosophy and meditation in education
Practical guidance on understanding and alleviating suffering.
Contemplating Impermanence and non-attachment: Teaching acceptance of life’s changes to reduce anxiety and reactivity
Compassion and equanimity: Learning to work with tools for responding to challenges with kindness and balance.
Awareness and mindfulness in daily life: Techniques for integrating awareness into routine actions and decisions.
Retreats: Immersive, in-person experiences to deepen awareness and mindfulness practices in serene environments. Retreats focus on guided meditations, movement practices, and lectures on contemplative philosophy, and human development and education.
Any reference to "healing" in AHE programmes, courses, or written, audio, video or in-person communications refers to our own personal development and inner growth. This process may include self-introspection, awareness and mindfulness meditation practices, and philosophical reflection, but it does not imply or guarantee medical or psychological healing in any capacity whatsoever. Our courses are for educational purposes only.
Students are expected to be active participants in classes and development group meetings by asking questions and sharing their thoughts on the themes presented. When engaging in group discussions, students should be aware of the group dynamics so that all students can participate and share safely. Our aim is to ensure a healthy and balanced participatory process.
Our aim is to keep the online and in-person classes human-centred and participative and to facilitate this we ask students to refrain from using electronic communication devices, other than the device used to attend classes.
Some students may find the online format section of the courses challenging. Candidates must be prepared to spend time in front of a screen.
Some students find that the immersive nature of the courses requires a transition period so please be aware of this and be kind and patient with yourself and others.
3. Article 3
Teacher Education Course, Foundation Studies, Human Development and Education Courses Entry Requirements Policy
At Abiding Heart Education, we look for the highest quality candidates, so you will need to meet the following requirements before you can be accepted for our Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses.
Age requirement:
Participants/Students must be 21 years or older
Education Requirements
Essential requirement:
High-school final examinations: grade C or above in English, science and maths.
Please provide a certificate indicating your grades in these subjects.
If it is not in English, please submit an English translation of the transcript.
Highly desirable requirement:
Bachelor’s degree
Qualified Teacher status or licence
Please provide a certificate indicating your grades.
If it is not in English, please submit an English translation of the transcript.
High standard of spoken and written English:
Please note that the language of instruction for all classes is English. Therefore a high level of spoken and written English is required for the Teacher Education Course.
Fitness to attend the Teacher Education course and undertake teaching placements
As teaching involves working with children on a daily basis, there are some non-academic requirements you will need to meet to make sure teaching is the right job for you:
Suitability Assessments: Before engaging with AHE Teacher Education Course, participants are asked to disclose any ongoing mental health conditions to determine suitability of attending our programmes
Applicants must have sound mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, possess an emotional maturity gained through some years of adult life experience
Applicants must have the energy and enthusiasm to complete this intensive course and be able to socially engage, participate and contribute to their group processes
Applicants for this course should be able to socially engage, participate, and contribute to their group processes.
Teaching Experience Placement:
When teaching experience placements have been agreed, students will send copies of any documentation required by the placement school to Abiding Heart’s Admissions office.
In the event that a student cannot undertake teaching experience placements, for reasons of non-compliance with legislation or other requirements, they will not be allowed to continue with the Teacher Education and Abiding Heart Education will not refund any tuition fees already paid.
Attendance and Participation: Commitment to attending all classes and participating in group processes is an essential requirement of the course. You are expected to attend all lessons/class meetings for your courses and are required to attend 80% of each course/module. Failure to attend lessons regularly may result in you losing your place on this programme. You are generally expected to meet this course requirements regardless of travel schedules. You are required to make your personal travels before or after the semester.
Medical Fitness: The assessment of your suitability to teach is a statutory entry requirement for our teacher education course. We have a responsibility to ensure that you have the health and physical capacity to undertake this training with us and later on fit to teach children. A satisfactory medical report is therefore one of the requirements for entry for this teacher training course. Part of your application, we ask you to complete and submit a ‘Declaration of Health - Medical Questionnaire and the Fitness to Teach’. In addition to your fitness to teach, the information that you provide in the questionnaire will also enable us to assess whether any additional support will be required from us during your period of study and training and whether we are able to offer them. Therefore, please make sure you disclose all health issues and provide any relevant documentary evidence. Some applicants may be asked to provide further information from a medical doctor.
Declaration of Criminal Convictions: As this is a teacher education course and it involves work with children, you will be required to disclose any previous criminal convictions, cautions or bindovers irrespective of when they occurred and if asked agree to a police criminal record check. Successful applicants must be able to comply with all legislation, including a criminal convictions record check, in relation to undertaking school placements in their country of residence. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure compliance.
Fitness to attend any other courses/workshops/retreats/adventure
Suitability Assessments: Before engaging with AHE Teacher Education Course, participants are asked to disclose any ongoing mental health conditions to determine suitability of attending our programmes
Applicants must have sound mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, possess an emotional maturity gained through some years of adult life experience
Applicants must have the energy and enthusiasm to complete this intensive course and be able to socially engage, participate and contribute to their group processes
Attendance and Participation: Commitment to attending all classes and participating in group processes is an essential requirement of the course.
4. Article 4
Admissions Policy and Procedure for Teacher Education Courses
Please read the Teacher Education Course Terms and Conditions Policies, Procedures and Legal Notification (Section 6 of the application form) carefully as it contains full details of the application requirements and Abiding Heart’s terms and conditions, policies and procedures.
Complete, sign and submit the seven sections contained in the Application Form:
Personal Information, Teaching Personal Statement and/or Autobiographical Sketch, and
Declaration of Criminal Convictions, Section 2
Declaration of Health and Fitness to Undertake Teacher Training, Section 3
Teacher Education Course Terms and Conditions Policies, Procedures and Legal Notification
Section 4
Declaration and Agreement, Section 5
Contact your two referees while preparing your application. Please note that referees must email their reference letters directly to: admissions@abidingheart.education.
Your application will be processed only after all the required forms and documents have been submitted.
Application is reviewed by the Abiding Heart Education team and if approved the application moves to the interview process.
An interview is scheduled for the candidate with a panel of two interviewers from the Abiding Heart Education faculty. This is typically done by Zoom.
The interview panel makes a recommendation whether the candidate is accepted to the course, based on the candidate’s submitted application pack and the interview.
The candidate is notified by email of the outcome of their application, within two weeks of the interview.
If accepted, the candidate receives a letter of acceptance and a fees invoice that must be paid within 7 days of receiving the letter to secure their place on the course.
Once payment is made, the candidate receives the Student Handbook. You will need to read this fully before the course commences.
At the beginning of the semester, the candidate attends the course induction and starts their journey at Abiding Heart Education.
Admissions Policy and Procedure for Foundation Studies Course
Please read the Terms and Conditions, Policies, Procedures and Legal Notification (Section 6 of the application form) carefully as it contains full details of the application requirements and Abiding Heart’s terms and conditions, policies and procedures.
Complete, sign and submit the following sections contained in the Application Form:
Personal and Professional information Section
Declaration of Health and Fitness to Undertake Teacher Training and/or Foundation Studies Section
Autobiographical Sketch Section
References Section
Terms and Conditions Policies, Procedures and Legal Notification Section
Declaration and Agreement Section
Contact your two referees while preparing your application. Please note that referees must email their reference letters directly to: admissions@abidingheart.education.
Your application will be processed only after all the required forms and documents have been submitted.
Application is reviewed by the Abiding Heart Education team and if approved the application moves to the interview process.
An interview is scheduled for the candidate with a panel of two interviewers from the Abiding Heart Education faculty. This is typically done by Zoom.
The interview panel makes a recommendation whether the candidate is accepted to the course, based on the candidate’s submitted application pack and the interview.
The candidate is notified by email of the outcome of their application, within two weeks of the interview.
If accepted, the candidate receives a letter of acceptance and a fees invoice that must be paid within 7 days of receiving the letter to secure their place on the course.
Once payment is made, the candidate receives the Student Handbook. You will need to read this fully before the course commences.
At the beginning of the semester, the candidate attends the course induction and starts their journey at Abiding Heart Education.
5. Article 5
All registrations related to all the courses/workshops/retreats/adventures offered by AHE are subject to the AHE Terms and Conditions.
No Registration shall be treated as confirmed until the participant submits the required details and information and makes full payment of applicable fees to AHE.
6. Article 6
Attendance and Commitment Policy
Punctuality: Participants are requested to arrive on time for all sessions, be it in-person or online, as late arrivals may disrupt the flow of the lesson.
Students are expected to be active participants in classes and (when applicable )development group meetings by asking questions and sharing their thoughts on the themes presented. When engaging in group discussions, students should be aware of the group dynamics so that all students can participate and share safely. Our aim is to ensure a healthy and balanced participatory process.
Our aim is to keep the online and in-person classes human-centred and participative and to facilitate this we ask students to refrain from using electronic communication devices, other than the device used to attend classes.
Some students may find the online format section of the course challenging. Candidates must be prepared to spend some hours in front of a screen.
Some students find that the immersive nature of the course requires a transition period so please be aware of this and be kind and patient with yourself and others.
Students who are unable to attend classes due to ill health or other reasons must notify the lecturer and the admissions office within 24 hours.
Technology and Access: Participants are responsible for ensuring a stable internet connection for online sessions. There is no refund for technical failures on the participant’s side.
Behaviour: Participants/students are expected to behave respectfully toward facilitators and fellow participants. Disruptive or inappropriate behaviour may result in removal from the lesson.
Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses: The Teacher Education and the Foundation Studies Courses are close to being full-time academic programmes. By its immersive nature, these courses can be demanding, therefore, it is necessary for you to be prepared intellectually, physically and emotionally for this new learning journey. You are expected to attend all classes. It is not possible to omit any classes/modules. You are required to attend 80% of each course/module and failure to attend classes regularly may result in losing your place on this course. If more than 20% of classes of each course/module are missed you must attend the missed classes in the next available academic year. There will be an additional fee for these classes, the amount of which will be provided by the Admissions Office.
7. Article 7
Minimum Number of Participants/Students per Course
The AHE courses/workshops/retreats/adventures will take place only with a minimum of 6 registered students.
8. Article 8
The prices displayed on the AHE website are applicable to each specific course as described.
9. Article 9
Payments of the full fees are due at the time of booking. Your booking is not confirmed until the
payment is received by us.
10. Article 10
Please note that Abiding Heart Education reserves the right to dismiss a student at its sole discretion if it believes:
The student’s conduct is detrimental to Abiding Heart Education or to other participants on the course. Please see Fitness to Study Policy in Annex I.
The student does not possess the capacity to complete the Course successfully. This decision may be made at any point during the course (or in the case of the teacher education course on completion of the first semester). For more information, please see Assessment Policy in Index I.
Student Declaration: I understand that AHE reserves the right to dismiss the participant/student from the course if it believes, in its sole discretion, the participant/student presents a safety concern or medical risk (of physical or mental health nature), is disruptive, or otherwise conducts him or herself in a manner detrimental to AHE or other participants. I acknowledge that the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol is grounds for immediate dismissal from the programme. If the participant/student is dismissed or departs for any reason, I am solely responsible for all costs of early departure whether for medical reasons, dismissal, personal emergencies, or otherwise. These costs include, but may not be limited to plane, train, or bus fare, and meals or accommodations.
11. Article 11
Awarding Teaching Diploma or Certificate of Course Completion
Abiding Heart Education also reserves the right to determine whether to award the student with the Teaching Education Diploma in Abiding Heart Education™ on completion of the teacher training or whether to offer a Certificate of Completion in the case of other courses such as the foundation studies course.
12. Article 12
Data Protection Information
Abiding Heart Education will use the information provided by the participant during the booking or application process for the purpose indicated above. This information will not be disclosed to any other person or organisation, except directly in connection with the above purpose. Abiding Heart will add the participant’s email to our mailing list subject to their consent. Subscribers have the right to unsubscribe from our lists at any time or to rectify their data. For the full data protection policy, please see full policy in Annex I .
13. Article 13
Privacy and Confidentiality
Please be mindful of others' privacy and the confidentiality of shared experiences during the
programmes. What is shared during the programmes should remain confidential, and
participants should respect each other's boundaries. Participants are requested to respect the privacy of others, particularly during group sessions or retreats, by not sharing personal details disclosed in confidence.
In some circumstances we are unable by law to maintain confidentiality when there are cases where there is a risk of harm to the participant or others.
14. Article 14
Intellectual Property Rights
Course/Retreat/Workshop/Adventure content is the intellectual property of Abiding Heart EducationTM and must not be copied, translated, disclosed, used, sold, or offered for sale, distributed or transmitted digitally or in print, or by any other means. Audio or video recording of any course, or part thereof, is prohibited. All documents or materials constituting the Course content and all reproductions thereof shall at all times remain the sole property of Abiding Heart EducationTM.
The recipient or participant acknowledges that all Abiding Heart Education courses/retreats/workshops/adventures are copyrighted and certified. We have developed through substantial effort, research, time, and expense certain inventions, methodologies, technical know-how and copyrightable material directed and related to the Abiding Heart Education Approach, a new approach to education which rests on an interdependence worldview, fusing contemplative worldview which rooted in ancient wisdom, meditation and application with transformative experiential learning and aspects of transformational learning methodology and developmental science, to create transformative experiential pedagogy for children and adults that gives equal weight to the intellectual, affective, and action domains; educational research relating to the above which informs the teacher training curriculum and methodology as well as the children’s curricular content and learning approach; Birth to Three Training; Contemplative Child Care Training Course; Conempltative Kindergarten Teaching Diploma in Abiding Heart Education™; Contemplative Primary to Early Secondary Teaching Diploma in Abiding Heart Education™; Kindergarten Teaching Certificate in Abiding Heart Education™; Primary Teaching Certificate in Abiding Heart Education™; Transformative Experiential Buddhist Foundation Studies; Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Teacher Training; Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Curriculum; Experiential Buddhist Primary Teacher Training; Experiential Buddhist Primary Curriculum (class 1-8); As It Is: Special and Inclusive Education; Teaching Certificate in Transformative Experiential Buddhism and Contemplative Education for Kindergarten through to Class 8; Certificate in Child Development from Birth to Rebirth: The study of consciousness at the intersection of Buddhism, developmental science and holistic perspectives; Certificate in Learning Theories and Methodologies: Buddhist Pedagogy, the Transformative Learning Approach of Rudolf Steiner and other Contemporary Learning Theories; Certificate in As It Is: Understanding Children with Special Needs from a Buddhist and Relationship Driven Perspective with Steinerian Therapeutic Arts; Becoming: Nurturing Families Abiding Heart’s Parents Contemplative Corner; Teaching Certificate in Shedra, Buddhist Monastic College Teacher Training in Learning and Teaching Methodologies; Teaching Certificate in Charya dance for Primary.
The recipient, student or participant agrees not to use or disclose or make copies of the above-mentioned information without giving full credit and acknowledgement to Abiding Heart Education.
You agree not to use the Courses content and written materials for unauthorised purposes.
15. Article 15
Participants authorise Abiding Heart to photograph, film, record and/or otherwise capture the name, image, voice, written statement, group journal or electronic entry, screenshots during online sessions, photography and/or visual likeness of the participant (collectively “images”), AHE’s website, social media and in publications (such as newsletters) and/or for any informational, promotional, educational, audiovisual, exhibition, editorial, or other use, without compensation, for use in any media throughout the world in perpetuity, including for sale, reproduction or display on the internet, in publications and/or for any informational, promotional, educational, audiovisual, exhibition, editorial, or other use in any manner that AHE desires. These images are the sole property of AHE and I waive any inspection or approval rights. For the full policy, please see Annex I of this document.
Abiding Heart may request participants to provide comments or feedback on the courses in which they have participated on the understanding that AHE may reproduce these comments with the participant’s name on the Abiding Heart website, social media or in publications. For the full policy, please see Annex I.
16. Article 16
Force Majeure
Abiding Heart Education accepts no liability and will not pay any compensation where the performance of its obligations is prevented or affected directly or indirectly by or as a result of force majeure or any circumstances beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, flood, earthquake, extreme adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, other acts of God, acts of terrorism, pandemic, fire or failure of electric power or internet connection.
In the event of electrical or internet failure, AHE will reschedule the affected sessions or offer a recorded streaming of the sessions missed when feasible.
17. Article 17
Website Information
While all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of information on the Website, AHE reserves the right to amend, cancel or vary any of the arrangements featured on the Website without notice. The content of the Website is the copyright of AHE, and may not be copied, reproduced, translated, published, distributed or amended for any other purpose without our prior written consent.
18. Article 18
Students should plan to attend all lessons/class meetings for their courses.
Teacher Education courses: attendance in 80% of each teacher education course course/module is required for a passing grade.
Students who are unable to attend classes due to illness, injury, or other compelling reasons should be encouraged to contact their faculty directly to alert them to the situation.
Students are generally expected to meet course requirements regardless of travel schedules and are encouraged to discuss travel schedules with each instructor to ensure agreement on all academic responsibilities.
Class participation Policy
Students are expected to be active participants in lessons by: asking questions; sharing their thoughts on the subject presented; engage in group discussions; and be able to reflect and think critically. For the full policy, please see Annex I of this document.
19. Article 19
Participant/Student Behaviour
Participants are requested to conduct themselves appropriately at all times and to comply with AHE policies and procedures and/or requests with regard to conduct and respect for the Lecturers and Participants. Participants are requested to arrive punctually - whether online or in-person courses, not to disrupt the attention, comfort and enjoyment of other Participants. Participants are requested to not disturb the smooth running of the course, or cause offence to other participants, lecturers or staff.
20. Article 20
Code of Conduct
For the Abiding Heart Education community to flourish, we are called to abide by the highest standards of care, respect, ethics and the law. Participants/Students are requested to conduct themselves appropriately at all times and to comply with AHE procedures and/or requests with regard to conduct and respect for the Lecturers and Participants. Participants are requested to arrive punctually, not to disrupt the comfort and enjoyment of other Participants, the smooth running of the Course, or cause offence to other Participants or Lecturers.
Therefore, as individuals and as a community, we agree to:
Avoid harming others. Work for the welfare of all. Treat all with respect.I commit myself to act with care, respect, and kindness in relation to the environment , pets and wildlife, fellow participants/students, AHE staff and property, and neighbouring residents.
I will maintain an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
Support each other with friendliness and kindness, keeping in mind our shared purpose.
Bring our unique perspective and talents to the community and appreciate those of others.
Work together in cooperative and appreciative teams.
Listen respectfully, tell the truth, and speak with kindness and tact.
Identify and reduce barriers for individual and/or group participation.
Resolve differences constructively and courteously, asking for help when needed.
Keep everyone safe.
Identify and interrupt harassment of any kind.
Abide by Abiding Heart’s policies and Code of Conduct.
Abiding Heart Education will respond to concerns brought to their attention and will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of those reporting this information.
Everyone who participates in Abiding Heart Education must complete an annual acknowledgement of this Code of Conduct.
Anyone with knowledge concerning a suspected violation of this code, or any activity that could damage Abiding Heart Education’s reputation, is encouraged to report this information immediately to AHE Director. They will respond to concerns brought to their attention and will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of those reporting this information.
21. Article 21
AHE Courses/Workshops/Retreats/Adventures Disclaimer
Our courses, workshops, retreats and adventures are intended for professional and personal/inner growth and self-exploration. They are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment. The meditation and contemplative practices components of our programmes are not a substitute for therapy or professional mental health care. If you have any underlying medical or mental health conditions, consult with your healthcare provider before participating. Students/Participants are fully responsible for their own medical care and health, their well-being, decisions, and actions during and after the Course.
Limitation of Liability: AHE and any associated individuals or entities connected with AHE will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of services, the Courses, retreats, and mentoring in-person or online.
22. Article 22
Medical and Mental Health Disclaimer
Non-Substitution for Professional Care:
AHE Courses/Workshops/Retreats/Adventures are not a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric, or therapeutic care.
Participants/students experiencing severe emotional distress, suicidal ideation, or self-harm are encouraged to seek immediate help from a licensed medical professional or crisis service.
AHE staff, lecturers, contractors,subcontractors, instructors, trainers or facilitators are not trained or licensed to diagnose or treat medical or mental health conditions.
All AHE programmes are intended for professional and personal development, not for clinical purposes.
For full disclaimer, please also see Student Wellbeing Policy, in Annex I.
23. Article 23
Student Self-Responsibility
The participant/student is responsible for your own well-being, both physically and emotionally, during all AHE programmes. If you are in therapy, going through a difficult life phase, taking medication, or receiving any other form of treatment, please inform us well in advance. We cannot be held responsible for the decisions you make based on the insights you gain or experiences you have during our programmes. You always retain your own responsibility.
Our programmes are of academic nature with aspects of personal and inner development and are not intended to be or replace regular therapy. If you feel the need for extra support or therapy (e.g., in the case of grieving), we recommend finding a good therapist.
The activities during the AHE programmes are not intended to replace therapy. Always discuss physical and/or mental complaints with a qualified doctor. The participant is asked to always report specific complaints before the retreat. Do not force anything, and take both mental and physical complaints seriously.
24. Article 24
No Guarantees
While we strive to create a positive and transformative learning experience in our programmes, we do not guarantee specific outcomes or results from these programmes. The extent of professional and personal growth and development depends on individual participation and
25. Article 25
Release of Liability
By participating in AHE Courses,Workshops/Retreats/Adventures you agree to release our organisation, facilitators, consultants, contractors and subcontractors from any liability for injuries, losses, or damages that may occur during or as a result of your participation. You voluntarily assume all risks associated with these programmes. You release AHE from any legal claims arising from attending any of AHE programmes.
Informed Consent
You should make an informed decision about your participation, taking into consideration your mental and physical health, and any existing conditions that may affect your ability to engage fully.
If you are currently under medical or psychological treatment or therapy, please consult with your healthcare provider or therapist to ensure that participation in these programs is appropriate for you.
Smooth Running
AHE undertakes to ensure the smooth running of our programmes. Participation is entirely at your own risk. AHE is not liable for injury and/or damage of any kind as a result of the stay and/or activities, nor for the loss or damage of participant/student property.
Unforeseen Circumstances
The participant is also responsible for unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illness, and the customer is responsible for any additional (medical) costs incurred. AHE advises the participant/student to arrange their own cancellation and travel insurance for accidents, theft, baggage loss, and medical expenses. AHE is not liable for this.
26. Article 26
Emergency Contact
In the event of an emergency, we will make reasonable efforts to contact the person you
designate as your emergency contact. Please provide accurate emergency contact information
in the Application Form.
27. Article 27
Changes to Courses
AHE has the right to make changes to the programming of our course, workshops, retreats or adventures such as when a teacher cannot (anymore) provide the workshops due to illness, relocation, pregnancy, or other circumstances. In such cases, AHE will provide an alternative date, a voucher, or a professional and qualitatively comparable replacement. The participant will be informed by email before the start of the retreat.
28. Article 28
Fees Policy
Fees include any amounts assessed to a student/participant by AHE. Fees include, but are not limited to, application fee, tuition fees, programme and course fees, special fees, admissions, registration, tuition fee; outdoor activities, games and sports; library fee; examination; student welfare; security deposit; school placement; academic writing seminar; and research project writing fees.
Notwithstanding anything else in the AHE Calendar, AHE reserves the right at any time to change fees without notice. Students who have not completed their course requirements when a change in fees is made may be required to pay the new fees.
Fees are payable in GB Pounds unless otherwise stated.
International transaction (from outside the UK): The fees invoice for all will include bank charges per transaction, as follows:
Bank charges/PayPal fees explanation:
GB£100 or below bank charge of GB£25 is added to the fee.
GB£101- GB£500 or below bank charge of GB£50 is added to the fee.
GB£501 and above bank charge of GB£75 is added to the fee.
Tuition and other fees must be paid before registration. Students will not be enrolled until tuition and other fees have been paid.
A student upon registering has initiated a contract with AHE for payment of all tuition and other assessed fees described below. A student may terminate this contract only by withdrawing from AHE. No Refund of Tuition Fees and other fees is given.
Fee payments shall be made punctually according to the payment schedule.
For Teacher Education applicants only: Abiding Heart Education may offer the option of payment by instalments in cases of need.
Abiding Heart makes every effort to avoid errors in fee assessment and will duly notify affected students promptly should an error occur. However, not receiving said notification does not exempt a student from payment of the corrected amounts.
Payments and Due Dates: Students must pay the full amount in advance by the due date published by AHE. It is the responsibility of students to make payments by the due dates.
Fee payments for teacher education courses shall be made punctually according to the payment schedule. Payments of the full fees for all other courses, workshops, retreats or adventures are due at the time of booking. Your booking is not confirmed until the payment is received by us.
Abiding Heart reserves the right to change fees without notice. Students who have not completed their course when a fee change is made may be required to pay the new fees.
Changes or Cancellation by AHE
We reserve the right to make changes to the advertised lecturers, teachers, facilitators and programmes as necessary. Very occasionally we may need to cancel your booking. Although we aim to give maximum notice, we reserve the right to cancel bookings at any point. In such circumstances we will not provide a refund but we will offer the same or a very similar course/module on different dates. We shall have no further liability to you arising out of such cancellation.
Please note that Abiding Heart Education has a Refund and Cancellation policy. Please see the policy below.
Emergency: In the event or events out of our control, such as, natural disasters, war, or pandemics recedes and travel restrictions apply, our in-person courses or sections of courses will shift online. The academic calendar will remain the same.
29. Article 29
Refund and Cancellation Policy
If you cancel the course booking within 14 calendar days of receiving your acceptance confirmation, any tuition fee payment made, other than the £25 application fee in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses, will be refunded minus the bank charges/PayPal transfer fees, up until two months prior to the start of the course; thereafter there are no refunds. Special consideration will be given in cases of illness confirmed by medical evidence.
See point C if you apply within 14 days of course start.
Cancellations received after the 14-day cancellation period and earlier than two months before the start date of the course will receive a refund of any fees paid minus the £85 application fee ( in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses) and bank/paypal charges fee. Thereafter there are no refunds. There are no refunds for missed days or modules.
You must make your cancellation in writing.
If you cancel the Course booking within 14 calendar days of receiving your acceptance confirmation or confirmation of booking, any payment made will be refunded minus the £85 application fee (in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses) and bank charges/PayPal transfer fees, up until two months prior to the start of the course; thereafter there are no refunds. Special consideration will be given in cases of illness confirmed by medical evidence.
Cancellations received after the 14-day cancellation period and earlier than two months before the start date of the course will receive a refund of any fees paid minus 15% of full fees, minus £85 application fee (in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses), and minus bank/paypal charges. Thereafter there are no refunds. There are no refunds for missed days or modules.
You must make your cancellation in writing
If you apply within 14 days of course start, any cancellation within 14 days of acceptance confirmation (provided that there has been no attendance or access to resources) will be entitled to a full refund minus bank/paypal charges, in line with Consumer Protection Legislation.
If you have had a payment plan agreed by the Admissions office the above cancellation policy applies. If you leave before the end of the course, you agree to pay the balance of the full fees immediately.
If you cancel within 14 days of application submission any payment made will be refunded, minus the £85 application fee (in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses), and minus bank transfer/PayPal charges. If the course has started within this 14-day notice period, you will be liable for those days attended. You must make your cancellation in writing.
Once the Course starts, Participants are free to opt-out of the Course. However, please note that opting out of the course participation does not entitle you to a refund of the tuition fee or a replacement lesson or activity.
For a copy of our Cancellation Form, please contact admissions: admissions@abidingheart.education
AHE reserves the right to cancel a course or retreat if there are valid reasons, including insufficient participants or illness of the teacher. In the event of cancellation by AHE, you are entitled to a refund of the course fee already paid, unless:
Alternatives are organised within the same year or the following year
You are offered a voucher
The voucher must meet the following conditions:
An activity with the same essential characteristics is organised at a later date at the same or a nearby location.
The activity is organised again within a period of three years from the date of the original event.
The voucher represents the full value of the amount paid for the original ticket; No surcharge is levied on the holder of the voucher for attending the new event.
The voucher expressly states that it was issued due to force majeure.
The voucher may grant the right to purchase other products from AHE within three years from the date of the original event.
A professional and qualitatively comparable replacement is provided
In the case of force majeure, AHE is committed, in the first place, to provide alternative activities and/or a voucher. The customer is asked to accept these alternatives. If the force majeure is of such an extraordinary nature that alternative activities at a later moment in time or a voucher for future activities are not possible, the customer is entitled to a refund of the fee. The bank transfer/PayPal charges and £85 Application fee will be deducted from the refund (in the case of the Teacher Education and Foundation Studies Courses).
30. Article 30
Other Policies and Procedures
Please read the following policies which you will find in Annex I of this document which contains Abiding Heart’s Policies, Procedures, Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks and Release and Indemnity Agreement releasing AHE of liability and waiver of certain legal rights. Annex I of this document forms an integral legal part of AHE Terms and Conditions. Please click here for Annex I:
Sharing of Recordings and Documents Policy
Student Wellbeing Policy and Procedure
Student Wellbeing Medical and Mental Health Disclaimer
Notice of Concern Policy and Procedure
Managing a Student’s Emotional Crisis Procedure
Responding to Calls from Third Parties Student Confidentiality
Guidance for Students on Sexual Harassment
Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure
Complaints Appeals Policy and Procedure
Students Discipline/Behavioural Management Policy and Procedure
Fitness to Study Policy
Anti-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy
Data Protection Policy
Marketing Communication
Equal Opportunities Policy
Health and Safety Policy
First Aid Policy
Risk assessment Policy
Information Technology Systems Acceptable Use Policy
Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs Policy
Food Policy
Declaration of Criminal Convictions Policy
Guidance for Students on Sexual Harassment
Illness /Injuries Policy
Mobile Phones and Pagers Policy
British Values Statement
Taking, Storing & Using Images and Course Work Policy
Fire and Evacuation Procedure
Courses/Retreats/Workshops Group Participation Policy
Plagiarism policy
Use of the Library: policy and procedure
Late Assignment Policy
Semester Registration Policy
Students Assessment Policy
Reference Policy
Please note that all registered students of Abiding Heart Education are subject to the terms and conditions regulations, policies and procedures, which may be changed from time to time.
Failure to read and understand the terms and conditions, requirements and policies detailed in this document does not excuse the subject from being subject to them.
Click Here for Abiding Heart's Policies
31. Article 31
Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks, Indemnity Agreement, Waiver and Release Agreement
Article 31 contains a release of liability and release and waiver of certain legal rights.
Abiding Heart Education (hereafter individually and collectively “AHE”) would like to ensure that participants/students are aware of the risks involved in attending our programmes in Scotland, or elsewhere around the world, and that participants begin our course mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the inner and external journey. The following “Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks, Indemnity Agreement, and Waiver and Release Agreement” is also an important resource tool designed to further help participants/students/ understand and appreciate the risks we are exposed to, as well as the rules and regulations we have established to mitigate those risks. Please read the following document carefully. If you do not understand any of the following or if you have questions about protocols or rules that we have established to decrease our exposure to risk, please email to our admissions coordinator at: admissions@abidingheart.education
Please read this entire“Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks, Indemnity Agreement, and Waiver and Release Agreement” (hereafter “Document”) carefully before signing. This includes AHE policies, Terms and Conditions, as well as website - in particular the section under the navigation bar heading Teacher Education Courses, and will abide by the guidelines, rules, instructions, policies and procedures for AHE and Activities including meditation practices and retreats at Abiding Heart Education. The Abiding Heart Education website address is: www.abidingheart.education
All participants/students must read, review Article 31 and the attached Annex I, and sign the Agreement. In consideration for a student being permitted to participate in the Activities of AHE, and its coordinators, teachers, directors, trustees, members, employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives, and volunteers, including its medical consultants and all other persons or entities affiliated with it , I (participant/student) acknowledge and agree as follows:
Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks:
Participating (whether simply attending, observing or actively participating) in AHE educational, meditational, instructional, experiential learning, artistic, recreational and/or adventure activities include risks. These Activities can occur in various locations in Scotland, Nepal and elsewhere. Activities which may be led by AHE staff, subcontractors or others include, but may not be limited to: Meditation; experiential/contemplative art; reflective/contemplative practices; entertainment, trekking; hiking; camping; running; backpacking; bicycling; horse riding, horse, yak, donkey; home and playground construction and other service projects; independent study projects; transformative learning experiences, including meditation, contemplative practices and any other inner development related experiential activities; the content and nature of the courses/workshops/retreats/adventures can be intellectually, mentally, physically and emotionally demanding; experiential activities including a variety of games and group initiatives; receiving acupuncture, massages, sound therapy, and other local healing practices; and transportation in vans, buses, trucks or other vehicles (collectively referred to in this Document as “Activities”). Activities may be scheduled or unscheduled, supervised or unsupervised, and include activities undertaken during the participant’s free time. I acknowledge that the inherent and other risks, hazards, and dangers (collectively referred to in this Document as “risks”) of the Activities can cause injury, damage, death or other loss to the participant or others.
I understand that the risks include, without limitation:
Weather, environmental, and surface and subsurface conditions in an outdoor, urban or wilderness environment in home country in Scotland, a foreign country (if not from the UK), Nepal or elsewhere, that are unpredictable and dangerous, including risks associated with travel on trails or routes that may not be groomed, maintained, controlled, or marked; lightning; snow or ice accumulation; high altitude conditions; fast moving rivers or other water bodies; falling or fallen timber; mineshafts; rockfall; icefall; steep or slippery terrain; electrical storms; mountain storms; flash floods; snow; rain; hail; sleet; ice and extremely cold water; geothermal geysers or geothermally heated (extremely hot) water; unstable or loose rock; wild or domestic animals; stinging, venomous and/or disease carrying animals, insects or microorganisms; and other natural and man-made hazards and dangers;
Participant’s mental, physical or emotional condition (including use or abuse of alcohol or any prescription or non-prescription drugs), disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown, combined with participation in the Activities includes risks. Although AHE will review participant’s submitted medical information, AHE cannot anticipate or eliminate risks or complications posed by participant’s mental, psychological, physical (including fitness level) or emotional condition;
Risks associated with AHE staff decision-making, judgments, and warnings, which are often based on a variety of perceptions and evaluations, which by their nature are imprecise and subject to error. These include the risk that a staff member may misjudge an individual’s capabilities, health (including mental health), or fitness level, or misjudge terrain, weather, trail location and conditions, water-level, river and/or terrain route location, some aspect of instruction, medical treatment, the character and propensities of an animal, or how best to react in certain circumstances;
Animals, including without limitation, horses, donkeys, cows, sheep, yaks, cattle or dogs are unpredictable and uncontrollable in all circumstances, whether participants are mounting, dismounting, saddling, feeding, riding, packing, or otherwise dealing with animals in any way. Animals are generally much larger, more powerful, and faster than a human, and can react to the environment, and the conduct and actions of riders and other persons in harmful ways. Without warning, animals can kick, bite, stomp, stumble, rear, bolt, fall, and react to sudden movements, noise, light, vehicles, other animals, or objects. Riding animals can involve equipment that may break or otherwise fail, saddles or blankets that may slip, and other riders who may not control their animals and cause a collision or other unpredictable consequences;
Risks of staying in homestays, guesthouses, hostels, local villagers houses or camping, including the risk of tending to, being near, or cooking over an open fire or gas or propane stove that is subject to a gas explosion, scalding, or other burns. Other risks include the risk of contaminated water in natural water sources, the risk of falling trees and/or branches, floods, harsh and unpredictable weather, wildlife disturbances and encounters, insect bites, and other hazards at a campsite;
The risk that equipment or gear may be misused, may not fit, or may break, fail, or malfunction. This includes participant’s personal equipment, AHE equipment, or other equipment (whether purchased, borrowed, or rented). Participants choosing to bring and use their personal equipment (including any safety gear), assume full responsibility, for choosing appropriate equipment and for the fit and condition of this equipment. AHE requires use of helmets or other safety gear for some activities. Safety gear may prevent or lessen injuries in some instances but it is not a guarantee of safety, and injury can occur even with the use of this gear;
The unavailability of immediate and quality medical attention or rescue possibilities in an isolated and remote location, including the limited ability to communicate with rescue and medical personnel, and to transport or evacuate a participant from an incident location. Activities may take place in locations as much as several hours or days from any medical facility, and in regions where traditional Western medical care is not always available;
Risks from participating in a physically exerting activity in an unpredictable environment, including engaging in repetitive arm and leg movements, bending, walking, riding, twisting, pulling, lifting, running, jumping, climbing, and sustaining back and other injuries as a result of using a shovel, hammer, machete, pick-axe, or other tool;
Risks associated with sound bath, sound therapy, acupuncture, massages, and other local healing practices including soreness, bleeding and blood clots, necrosis, jewellery swallowing and rejection, organ injury, bruising, swelling, infections, transmission of illnesses or skin conditions, stress on the nervous system, pain or discomfort, fractures, headaches, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions;
Risks associated with home stays and residing with unknown people in a foreign country, such as Scotland, undeveloped country, such as Nepal, including exposure to unfamiliar food, water, and domestic and wild animals; risks associated with varying and unfamiliar cultural norms; unanticipated verbal and physical harm; the careless or reckless behaviour of other people; the possibility of inadvertent touching or unwanted sexual advances; and personal disclosure and/or interaction with such people;
Risks associated with interactions with, and reliance on, AHE, other participants, or unknown third parties, including the careless or reckless behaviour of other people, the possibility of inadvertent touching or unwanted sexual advances, and personal disclosure and/or interaction with co-participants;
Risks of travelling in Scotland, UK and possibly other foreign countries, such as Nepal, including being transported to and from Activities by bus, van, pick-up truck, motorcycle or personal car on undeveloped, rough, mountainous and unpredictable terrain, including dangerous roads, bridges, and other infrastructure; the risks of driver error either by individuals affiliated with a third-party carrier or drivers of other vehicles; the risk of vehicle malfunction and travel in potentially unsafe vehicles including the back of a pick-up truck or buses not equipped with seat belts; exposure to poor sanitation and contaminated foods or water, and unusual diseases; exposure to polluted and hazardous air; and encounters with terrorism, war, kidnapping, political unrest, riots, individuals with anti-foreigner sentiment, and other forces or harm; and
Risks associated with the Participant voluntarily participating with knowledge of the risks. The Participant assumes and accepts full responsibility for the inherent and other risks (known and unknown, described above or otherwise) of using the AHE Centre and facilities and for any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by participant, resulting from those risks, including the risk of participant’s own negligence or other misconduct. This also includes use of the building and garden of Abiding Heart Centre in Scotland as well as other buildings in other locations that are used for AHE Activities. This building is 300 years old which means that the floors are not even, the corridors are narrow and the stairs steep and narrow and the Centre’s garden surface is not even and has steep steps.
Risks associated with participants having free and/or independent time before, during, and after Activities. At all times, all participants share responsibility for their own wellbeing.
These risks can result in participants: falling partway or falling to the ground or into the water; being struck by, colliding with or impacting objects, people, animals or the bottom of a water body; experiencing vehicle collision, capsize or rollover; reacting to high altitudes, weather conditions or increased exertion; becoming lost or disoriented; and suffering gastro-intestinal complications or allergic reactions or experiencing other problems. These and other circumstances may cause heat or cold-related illnesses or conditions (including hypothermia, hyperthermia, cold water immersion, frostbite, or heat exhaustion/stroke); dehydration; hyponatremia; drowning; high altitude sickness; heart or lung complications; broken bones; paralysis or other permanent disability; mental or emotional trauma; concussions;
sunburn or other burns; illnesses (including contracting animal/insect borne or contagious diseases); infections; cuts or wounds; or other injury, damage, death or loss.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Waiver and Release: I am aware that AHE courses/workshops/retreats/adventures include meditation and retreats that afford an opportunity to deepen my personal development, meditation practice, contemplative studies and contemplative education but I may also face physical, emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual challenges. It is my sole responsibility to determine my fitness for the AHE programmes and whether it is appropriate for me. If I have questions or concerns about any physical or mental health issues that might affect my ability to engage in these Courses and Retreat, I will consult with my physician, psychologist or other health care professional before signing this agreement. I represent to Abiding Heart Education that I have a current medical insurance policy (for non UK residents) with coverage limits that are sufficient for any health emergency that might arise during or as a consequence of this Courses and Retreat. I have transportation in the event of a health emergency, and I understand that the nearest hospital is located in Dumfries which is over 30 minutes away by car from Castle Douglas.
I (participant/student) acknowledge and agree:
To disclose to AHE any mental, physical or emotional conditions or limitations which may affect participant’s ability to participate, and represent that participant is fully capable of participating without harming him or herself or others;
AHE representatives are available if I have further questions about the Activities or the associated risks;
AHE contracts with individuals or organisations that are independent contractors (not employees or agents of AHE) to provide or conduct some of the services and Activities participants will engage in AHE does not supervise or control these contractors and is not legally liable or responsible for their conduct;
The information provided above is not complete, other unknown or unanticipated Activities, risks, and outcomes may exist, and AHE cannot assure participant’s safety or eliminate any of these risks;
If a participant is borrowing or renting new or used equipment from AHE, the equipment comes "AS-IS," and AHE disclaims all warranties, express or implied (including any conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), regarding the equipment;
Participant is voluntarily participating with knowledge of the risks. Therefore, participants assume and accept full responsibility for the inherent and other risks (known and unknown, described above or otherwise) of the Activities and for any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by participant, resulting from those risks, including the risk of participant’s own negligence or other misconduct. This also includes use of the building and garden of Abiding Heart Centre in Scotland as well as other buildings in other locations that are used for AHE Activities. This building is 300 years old which means that the floors are not even, the corridors are narrow and the stairs steep and narrow and the Centre’s garden surface is not even and has steep steps.
Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement:
Please read carefully. This “Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks, Indemnity Agreement, and Waiver and Release Agreement” contains a surrender of certain legal rights. I (participant/student) agree as follows:
To release and agree not to sue AHE, with respect to any and all claims, liabilities, suits or expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) (hereafter collectively “claim” or “claim/s”), for any injury, damage, death or other loss in any way connected with my enrolment or participation in the Activities and in being at the AHE Centre in Castle Douglas. I agree here to waive all claim/s I may have against AHE, legally bind my and any family member, heir, or other party bringing claim/s and agree that I will not make a claim against AHE due to any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by me;
To defend, hold harmless, and indemnify (“indemnify” meaning protect by reimbursement or payment) AHE with respect to any and all claim/s brought by or on behalf of me, my child, spouse or other family member/s, my/my child’s heirs or estate, or a co-participant or any other person, for any injury, damage, death or other loss in any way connected with my enrolment or participation in the Activities. This includes any and all claim/s which may be presented by a medical care provider, insurer, or other third party due to medical care provided to the participant before, during, or after the Activities, including transportation and evacuation costs;
To agree not to defame, slander, criticise, ridicule, or make any statement which disparages or is derogatory or could reasonably be interpreted as disparaging or derogatory of or with respect to AHE to any person, either orally or written, and including but not limited to in or to any media such as newspaper, magazine, television, online media or social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or X (previously Twitter);
I recognise that accidents, illnesses and injuries that may occur while on the Course and Activities are potentially subject to civil emergency response interventions and treatment as deemed prudent by AHE staff in conjunction with my listed emergency contact person. I agree that I am solely financially responsible for any and all emergency response interventions;
I fully waive and release AHE from any and all claims for property damage, personal injury, illness, or death that may result from any activities or conditions while on AHE courses/workshops/retreats/adventure whether they cake place at the Centre or elsewhere;
This Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement includes claim/s of or resulting from AHE’s negligence (but not its gross negligence or wilful or wanton misconduct), and includes claim/s for personal injury or wrongful death (including claim/s related to emergency, medical, drug and/or health issues including mental health, response, assessment, or treatment), property damage, loss of consortium, breach of contract, or any other claim;
Mental Health and Wellbeing Waiver and Release: I fully waive and release AHE from any and all claims for personal injury, illness of any nature, including psychological, mental or physical, that may result from any activities or conditions while on AHE courses/workshops/retreats/adventures. Those activities and conditions may include, but are not limited to: extended periods of sitting meditation and lectures; engaging in learning activities and exercises that may trigger past traumas and may trigger wellbeing/mental health conditions; I hereby acknowledge and understand that there are dangers and risks associated with the activities described above.
I fully assume the responsibility for my well-being, mental health, dangers and risks, and agree to use my best judgment while engaging in AHE Activities. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless AHE, its employees, agents, officers, contractors, sub-contractors, from and against any and all liability incurred as a result of or in any manner related to my participation in the Activities.
I accept full responsibility for my well-being, mental health, physical and medical health, decisions and actions before, during and after the AHE course/workshop/retreat/adventure Activities.
I acknowledge that the nature of the AHE programmes is academic, educational with personal development elements and they are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical care. AHE does not offer therapy and participants are fully responsible for their well-being and mental health and accessing their mental health professionals.
I understand that confidentiality is subject to limitations for safety and legal requirements.
I release AHE from any legal claims arising from services provided.
I recognise, acknowledge and agree:
I recognise that this is an important legal Document. I fully understand my right to review all aspects of this “Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks, Indemnity Agreement, and Waiver and Release Agreement” with the solicitor of my choice, that I have had the opportunity to consult with the solicitor of my choice, that I have carefully read and fully understand all the provisions of this Document. I hereby voluntarily, and at my own risk, sign this Document in sole consideration of being permitted to use AHE’s facilities or property.
I hereby certify that I am of legal age and competent to execute this Document, that I am doing so of my own free will and accord, voluntarily and without duress, and that I do so intending to bind myself, my executor, my heirs, and administrators or assigns to the fullest extent.
I authorise AHE staff or other medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for me, to transport me to a medical facility, and/or to provide treatment they consider necessary for my health. I agree to the release (to or by AHE) of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance purposes. I agree to pay all costs associated with any such care and/or transportation, including medical and/or airlift evacuation and associated expenses.
I agree that any legal proceeding must be filed only in the state court located in the United Kingdom which will be the sole jurisdiction and venue for any legal proceeding relating to or arising out of the Activities, this Document or otherwise. Before filing a lawsuit, I agree to first attempt to settle any dispute (not settled by discussion) through mediation before a mutually acceptable UK mediator. This Document is intended to be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent allowed by law. If a court or any other appropriate authority finds any portion of this Document to be invalid, all other portions of this Document will remain in full force and effect and binding upon the parties.